Your Anti-Ageing BBL™ BroadBandLight Skin Rejuvenation in Brisbane


BroadBand Light (BBL™) is an innovative light based technology that sets the standard in non-surgical light based facial rejuvenation. Eleventh Heaven™ brings our Queenslanders the most advanced version treatment in its class – BBL Hero®, which stands for Broadband Light High Energy Rapid Output.

BBL HERO® is the world’s most powerful intense-pulsed light (IPL) treatment, providing a safe and effective modality for treating skin conditions such as pigmentation and vascular concerns whilst maintaining the skin’s integrity. It allows speed, peak power, and cooling; utilising the opportunity to treat larger areas more efficiently and effectively whilst ensuring there is little to no discomfort.

The BBL™ is a versatile treatment delivering not only phenomenal results for pigmentation and skin discolouration, it is also very suitable for skin rejuvenation and preventative anti-ageing purposes – “pre-juvenation”.


Study suggests with regular BBL™ treatment, over 1,000 gene expressions became “rejuvenated” to be more like youthful skin resulting in decreased elastosis and more uniform collagen deposition; leading to improvements in fine wrinkles and pigmentation.

Retrospective evaluation of the long-term anti-aging effects of BBL™ has also demonstrated that patients who maintain a regular regimen of BBL™ treatments annually can reduce and delay the long term signs of skin ageing in a way that looks very natural.


420nm – Acne (Forever Clear BBL™)
515nm – Pigmented lesions, such as freckles, age spots (BBL™ Corrective/Forever Young BBL™)
560nm – Vascular lesions, such as cherry angiomas, telangiectasias, and rosacea
590nm – Deeper lesions/Darker skin types
590nm, 640nm + 695nm – Hair removal (Forever Bare BBL™)
Infrared – Skin Firming (SkinTyte™​)


How does it work?

The BBL HERO® treatment, from Sciton, uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to target the pigment within the skin. It flashes specialised light as it is quickly moved across the treatment area. The pigment is initially darkened, helping you know that you had an optimal treatment. Within the next several days, your body’s natural healing process will remove the pigmented cells and replace them with fresh, new, undamaged cells.

What can be treated with BBL™?

  • Lips enhancement
  • Pigmentation such as freckles and sun spots;
  • Dyschromia (brown or red discolouration of the skin);
  • Redness and flushing/rosacea;
  • Small vascular lesions such as spider veins and visible blood vessels;
  • Uneven skin texture and tone;
  • Skin laxity (SkinTyte™)
  • Active acne (Forever Clear BBL™)
  • Unwanted hair (Forever Bare BBL™)
  • Anti-ageing/Preventative (Forever Young BBL™)

What does the treatment involve?

Prior to the treatment being performed, a full consultation with our doctor or dermal therapist will ensure that BBL™ is the right treatment for your particular concerns. The procedure will take from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the size of the area that is being treated and the indication for the procedure.

The procedure is gentle and low risk when performed by our highly trained practitioners in a medical facility. The BBL™ technology is so advanced that it can also be used on higher risk skin types (darker skin) where traditional IPL methods have previously been unable to treat due to the risk of adverse effects such as burns and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

In certain skin types/conditions, a 2-4 weeks of clinical grade skin preparation will be prescribed prior to the treatment to ensure your skin is in optimal condition and to reduce risk of complications & optimise outcomes. For the best long term results, preparation is key.

How comfortable is the treatment

Each flash of the light produces a feeling of warmth. Most patients easily tolerate the feeling without needing any anaesthetic numbing cream.

How long does it take to see results?

This can vary depending on the individual, the area being treated, and the settings used. However, most patients see results in 2-4 weeks.

What are the pre- and post care instructions?


  • Limit sun exposure;
  • No fake tan 4 weeks prior;
  • Skin preparation with pigment suppressants may be required.


  • Physical sunscreen SPF50+ regularly
  • Physical barrier clothing
  • Limit sun exposure

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments varies for each individual. A personalised treatment plan will be provided however this can change at any time depending on your response to the treatment. A combination with other treatment methods can also be used to further enhance your results.

Generally the number of treatments needed for rejuvenation and treatment of pigmentation, freckles and sun spots can vary especially with ongoing exposure to the sun. Lightening will occur after the first treatment but up to 3-4 treatments may be needed for stubborn pigmentation. Maintenance treatments every 6 to 12 months are needed to ensure long lasting results.

For redness and veins 4-6 treatments may be needed, depending on the severity of the condition. Many patients get very satisfactory results from only 1-2 treatments.

Once the skin has been corrected we always recommend maintaining the results with Forever Young BBL™ every 3 months.

What are the risks of treatment?

BBL™ treatment is low risk and due to the advanced technology, it is now much safer than IPL on higher risk skin types. It is important to note that IPL treatments are not regulated in Australia with cheap and dangerous machines being purchased from overseas and used in beauty salons.

The general down time from BBL™ treatment is none or minimal. This may include redness and some localised swelling which will decrease in a few days. The skin may also appear patchy especially if pigmentation and sun damage has been treated, this is why committing to a course of treatments is essential as not all of the skin may be treated fully with each session.

Rarer side effects are burns and blistering due to settings being too high. In very rare cases, post inflammatory hyper or hypopigmentation may occur and can last for a few months. This is usually due to underlying hormonal triggers of pigmentation or skin types that respond by an inflammatory process to the heat.

Attending a clinic where there is medical supervision from doctors ensures the safety of your treatment and the effective treatment of any adverse events.

How often do I need treatment?

Once the skin has been corrected we always recommend maintaining the results with Forever Young BBL™ every 3 months.