Nasolabial Fold Softening with Dermal Fillers


Nasolabial folds refer to the areas that extend from the corner of the nose vertically towards the corner of the mouth. Additional folds/creasing may also appear parallel to this. Individuals of all ages present at the clinic, concerned that these lines are ageing their appearance.

The cause of these lines, which will be investigated during your consultation, present themselves due to two main reasons. The first is facial descent/’drooping’, something that is caused over time by a loss of volume in the face (this typically stems from the cheek region so the cheeks typically will also require treatments).

The second type is referred as the “smile lines” and appears like wrinkles. These are caused by repetitive movements of the area due to smiling or laughing.


Nasolabial folds give the face tired and sagging appearance.

With judicious placement of dermal fillers, we may be able to:

1. Youthen one’s appearance
2. Assist with obvious asymmetry
3. Act as a supplementary support (e.g. bone) to project or create facial harmony
4. Repair skin wrinkling from repetitive movements



Depending upon the severity of the folds/creasing to the area, the amount of filler will vary. It is also important to remember that filler elsewhere may be recommended during consultation to recreate a more youthful aesthetic.


When treating this area, cheek filler is commonly required in conjunction with corrective work to the nasolabial folds. By lifting the cheeks, pressure effect on the nasolabial folds caused by descending cheek fat pads may be released and by treating both areas, you are often left with a more long-term and natural resolution, with longer lasting results.


As we age, naturally we experience varying degrees of facial volume descent. This is volume loss, caused by loss of fat pads and bone resorption. This is especially noted occurring from the cheeks which then contribute to the nasolabial folds being more pronounced. Taking a comprehensive approach, Dr. Ricky can utilise dermal filler to replace and restore lost volume, recreating an age-appropriate appearance that resembles vitality and youthfulness.

Beyond the Box

At the clinic, Dr. Ricky looks to treat the causation of volume loss, to provide you a very natural and potentially longer lasting results. This is often results in a more holistic treatment approach (such as treating the often unexpected cheek region for the nasolabial folds), utilising filler as a substitute for soft tissue and bone structures.


Purpose of Nasolabial Filler

  • To youthen one’s appearance
  • Assist with obvious asymmetry
  • Act as a supplementary support (e.g. bone) to project or create facial harmony
  • Repair skin wrinkling from repetitive movements

Severity of Nasolabial Filler

Image Credit: Al Yahya R.S., Goisis M. (2019) Nasolabial Folds. In: Goisis M. (eds) Outpatient Regenerative Medicine. Springer, Cham

Clinical Dosage

The clinical dosage is solely determined by:

  1. Degree/severity of nasolabial folds;
  2. Degree of cheek descend;
  3. Degree of bone loss around the nasolabial fold.

Areas To Be Treated

  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Cheeks
  • Possible blending into upper cutaneous lip (area between nose and upper red lip border)

Pain Relief

Prescriptive topical anaesthesia may be applied for 10-15 minutes prior to your procedure. There is also anaesthetic agent incorporated in the filler to yield further anaesthesia during the procedure.

Injecting Methods

Cannulation technique – using a blunt dermal-filling cannula is the most commonly employed injecting technique in this region to improve safety, increase smoothness of the treatment zone and to reduce downtime.

Product of Choice

Product selection is solely a clinical decision based on the factors discussed above.

Whilst our patients do not ask about the brand or name of the product because of the trust they have bestowed upon us, you can be assured we only use premium and Australian government approved product that we have sourced from authorised and genuine supplier. In addition, Eleventh Heaven™ only uses dermal fillers from reputable manufacturers and products that are backed up by sufficient clinical data.

With our years of experience and numbers of patients treated, we have used and trialled most of the premium & approved dermal fillers available in Australia. Eleventh Heaven™ has therefore gathered enough experience and knowledge about the different rheological properties of various dermal fillers to select the best and safest products available.

For cheek filler, a dermal filler that is thick and firm is required to give projection or replace deep fat/bone structural loss. If we are trying to replace more superficial fat loss, we require a product that moves with your muscle movements (e.g. during smiling). Appropriate product with corresponding technology/rheology will be selected based on your tissue thickness and aesthetic goal.

* As dermal filler is classified as prescription-only medicine in Australia, we are not able to name the brands.

* Please be aware there are many counterfeit injectable products due to illegal importation into Australia. 

Nasolabial Filler Procedure

  1. Detailed consultation and contraindications screened.
  2. Cold sore tablets will be given if you have a history of cold sores.
  3. Pre-procedure: Antiseptic wash +/- topical anaesthesia (10-15 minutes).
  4. Disinfection of the face again with Chlorhexidine and Ethanol.
  5. Your tolerance and progress is monitored throughout.
  6. You might be required to sit up or animate during the procedure multiple times throughout for aesthetic outcomes.
  7. Disinfect and pressure/massage may be applied.

Procedure Downtime

Swelling is possible and common for the first 48 hours. Any swelling and bruises after 24 hours can usually be covered with makeup easily.

Potential Side Effects/Complications

As with all medical procedures, side effects or complications are possible. These are usually very mild, minor, and self-limited.


  • Swelling
  • Bruises
  • Possible asymmetry
  • Possible need for further treatment/product


  • Delayed allergic reaction
  • Granuloma
  • Infection

Very Rare

  • Vascular occlusion causing skin necrosis leading to scarring if not treated early
  • Blindness

Investment Guidance

Please refer to our Treatment page.

Consultation Request

For consultation, please contact us on 07 3067 7411.

Online booking is also possible.